Internal Revenue Service
IRS Forms and Publications
IRS YouTube Channel
Features IRS videos on a variety of tax topics, from explanations of the New Homebuyer Credit to how to track your refund.
Colorado Department of Revenue-Taxation
The starting point for all things related to Colorado taxes.
Free Tax Classes
The Colorado Department of Revenue will be offering their tax classes as webinars and online guides this year.
State Tax Forms
Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Credit (PTC) Rebate Information
Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Credit (PTC) Rebate Forms
Federation of Tax Administrators
Use this site to locate tax forms for states other than Colorado.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
A map of locations providing free tax preparation provided by AARP.
Tax Help Colorado
Information about free tax sites provided by Tax Help Colorado and United Way.
Get Ahead Colorado
Information on tax help for low-income families.
El IRS en Español
El sitio oficial del IRS y el primer lugar acerca de información del impuesto federal. Incluye formularios, opciones electrónicas, información para cómo vigilar su reembolso, y preguntas frecuentes.
IRS Canal de YouTube
Contiene vídeos informativos del IRS que se tratan de una variedad de temas, desde reembolsos que no pueden ser entregados hasta créditos para quienes recientemente han comprado una vivienda.