Welcome to HPLD’s blog/newsletter/thing that we can use to spread the word about stuff we’ve got going on at HPLD!
Our first issue had a PRETTY awkward intro, but this one might have topped it.
Because items at HPLD check out and can be renewed 3 times, we’ve got a Checkout article for you, plus 3 Renewal articles.
It goes by pretty fast, so apologies to anyone who was hoping to burn a lot of time doing something “productive” while actually just relaxing and enjoying this piece of soft-hitting journalism.
Be a Part of Yes!Fest
We do a Yes!Fest every year, and every year we need a big ol’ group of community partners to come and set up interactive demos, exhibits, and other things that’ll help get young people excited about STEM (that’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math for people who aren’t hip to the exciting acronyms flying around the educational world).
If you’re an organization that does stuff like this, or hasn’t in the past but would like to in the future, fill out this form, won’t you?
And let’s be clear: You don’t have to be a mathematician in a lab coat to get kids interested in STEM. Say you’re, oh, I don’t know, a local maker of Halloween props and displays and things. That involves electronics. It involves chemistry. We’d love to see your application come in!
Renewal 1: You Haven't Signed Up For Summer Reading Yet!? Wha!?
Okay, every year we say that this year’s summer reading is the best ever.
Well, it’s confession time: In the past, we were wrong. Because this year is DEFINITELY, TOTALLY the best summer reading yet.
There’s plenty of library fun to have this year, all of it free, all of it open to anyone from birth to the oldest person reading this right now (whoever you are, you deserve a trophy. And maybe an apology. You’ve made it through all these years just to read THIS newsletter!? Where are the newsletters about flying cars? Where are the jetpacks? Shouldn’t a lot of things that are not current flying be flying by now?).
Sign up! It takes like 2 minutes, and then you’re good to go for the whole summer! Hey, if you want to, count the time it takes to sign up as reading time. I won’t tell.
Renewal 2: LINC is open!
Yeah, you heard that right. Or read it. Depends on whether you’re using a screen reader or reading in the eyeball way.
We’re getting way off track: LINC Library Innovation Center is open!
It’s got maker services, it’s got a cool genealogy area, an incredibly, climb-able children’s installation, and it’s got an amazing table made from one of the oldest trees on UNC’s campus (felled because it posed a danger, not just to make us a rad table). Plus, it’s got all the goodness you’ve come to expect from a library.
This is the perfect time to come see what all the fuss is about. It’s still shiny and new, and the opening day crowds…well, we’re still getting a good number of people through the door, but the place is so MASSIVE that there’s plenty of room for everyone. Stop by today!
Renewal 3: Knowledge Share. TERRIFYING Knowledge Share!
In some online travels, I came across this series of videos by Ed Edmunds, creator over at Distortions, that walk you through all the steps to create your very own masks, gloves, and other monstrous props!
Not to alarm anyone, but we ARE more than halfway to Halloween, and Monster Day is coming right up!
If you haven’t gotten started on a costume for 2023, you’re still okay, but you’re cutting it close. Too close.