Found in Translation (Read a book that was originally written in another language)

Open yourself to works of literature from around the globe! Authors from different parts of the world have different perspectives, cultures, and settings to draw from. It’s a great way to be adventurous without traveling anywhere!

Autumn by Karl Ove Knausgaard

This is a unique autobiographical series of letters that revolves around Knausgaard’s urge to talk to his unborn daughter. It’s split into four seasons and contains observations of everyday life with his wife and their older children in rural Sweden.

Book / eBook

My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk

Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk sets his historical mystery in sixteenth-century Istanbul. A miniaturist has gone missing, after being hired with a group of artists to work on a book for the Sultan. However, the Sultan wants this book illuminated in a European style at a time when all figurative art is considered Islamic heresy.


Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

Magical realism abounds as Calvino imagines a conversation between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, the founding emperor of the Yuan dynasty in China. The aging Khan is all consumed with the end of his empire. As his guest, Marco Polo diverts the emperor from his obsession to tales of countless cities in the empire, past, present, and future.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

In this simple yet eloquent tale spun by Brazilian native Coelho, a well-educated boy named Santiago sets off to find his destiny. Starting as a shepherd and then ending up in Egypt, the boy learns lessons like listening to one’s heart and following one’s dreams.


Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

This allegory of a story by German-speaking author Franz Kafka stars a seemingly normal man who wakes up one day to find himself turned into a large insect. This character has to deal with his depression over the change and his family’s concern, which soon turns to resentment. Originally written in 1915, this translation is great for lovers of modern classics.

Book / eBook / Audio eBook

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

An award-winning novel by Korean author Han Kang, The Vegetarian is set in a strict Asian society. The main character, Yeong-hye, is very passive and submissive. However, her life changes when she decides to become a vegetarian after a sudden onset of violent thoughts. Her family seeks to control her, which causes her to rebel and splinter away from her true nature and risk her life.
