Room Policy

Room Policy

Purpose of meeting rooms

There are two primary purposes for the meeting spaces of the library:

1. To provide space for library-sponsored activities of interest to the public.

2. As a support of the First Amendment “right of the people to peaceably assemble”, a community meeting place for the presentation, discussion, and exchange of information on a wide variety of ideas. Toward this end, the District rooms are intended to be used without cost.

Library-sponsored activities

Library-sponsored activities have priority over meetings booked by the public. It is rare, but it may be necessary to revoke a reservation when the room is needed for library purposes.

Open meetings

All library-sponsored activities are free and open to the public. Library programs are sometimes targeted toward age-appropriate or other specific audiences, such as storytimes.

There is no such requirement for meetings initiated by the public. A meeting can be restricted to select individuals.

Financial considerations

There is no fee to use the rooms. There are some finance-related issues to be aware of when reserving and using the rooms:

Cost of materials. On occasion, a library-sponsored event may collect funds to cover the cost of materials used, especially when the materials are given to a patron for their use.

Donations. A meeting organizer may charge a fee or sell products at their event. However, the District requests that 15% of the receipts be donated to the High Plains Library District Foundation, which is used to support programs and services of the District.

Deposits. A $50 deposit is placed on the patron library account at the time they check in to use a meeting room. This is to ensure that the room is returned to the original condition. If these conditions are met, the deposit is removed at check out.

There is an additional $250 deposit if the meeting requires computer and projection equipment. This deposit is removed at check out if there has been no damage.

Insurance. If the patron is reserving the meeting room for a program that has some physical risk (yoga for example), the patron should secure their own insurance. That insurance needs to identify the High Plains Library District as an additional insured. Patron needs to provide that and a Waiver of Subrogation to the District.

Account fines and fees. A patron is not restricted from reserving and using meeting rooms if they have excessive fines and fees on their account, or based on their type of card.

Permitted and non-permitted uses

Meeting rooms are available for booking by the general public during normal library hours provided they are not scheduled for library events.

All library facilities are smoke and vaping free zones. This ban includes all forms of tobacco and e- cigarettes.

Alcohol use is not permitted. Alcohol may on occasion be allowed at events when expressly pre-approved by the Executive Director or the Board of Trustees. See also Alcohol at Events policy and procedure.

No illegal drugs or illegal activities will be allowed on the premises.

As noted elsewhere, a meeting organizer may charge a fee to attend their event. Soliciting or peddling to participants is allowed in the meeting rooms, but not outside the meeting rooms.

Signing of petitions is permitted within meeting room spaces but not outside the meeting rooms. It is also permitted outside of the library, provided it does not impede use of the library. See also the Soliciting, Free Speech and Fundraising Activities policy.

A sign on the door or wall outside the meeting room, indicating the name of the meeting, is allowed; however, directional signs about the event elsewhere within the library are not.

Interfering with the ability of patrons and staff to use the library is prohibited. This would include, for example, approaching patrons to persuade them to come to a meeting or having a sandwich board advertising the event outside the meeting room.

Setting up for events the evening prior to the event is discouraged due to security concerns and cleaning needs.

The library reserves the right to cancel or refuse use of the rooms at any time.

Permission to use these rooms does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement by the District of the group’s policies, views or beliefs.

Computer software and hardware is to be used in its current state. No add-ons are allowed. Use of flash drives is permitted. Patron computers can be connected to the District projection system.


Reservations can be made online by patrons who: (1) have a High Plains Library District library card, (2) have an email account, and (3) create an account on the District’s “Spaces” program.

Patrons who do not have a library card can make a reservation by calling the District’s Virtual Library at 1-888-861-7323. The patron does need to get a library card when the patron comes in for their meeting.

To assist library staff in responding to questions about the event, the patron should include the name of the sponsoring organization and contact information.

The person reserving the room is required to check in at the service desk with their library card prior to the start of their meeting. If another person in the group wishes to assume the reservation, they must have a valid library card and be willing to accept responsibility for the room deposit.

A room reservation will not be held beyond 30 minutes of the scheduled start time.

Occasionally, the library district must cancel room reservations because of inclement weather or road conditions. The district will make a reasonable effort to notify the patron about the cancellation using the information they provided.

Frequency of use

Room can be requested up to 45 days prior to the event.

A patron may have up to 10 active reservations within the 45-day period.

Rooms may not be scheduled for any ongoing, regularly scheduled meetings/events, except for a series of sessions that are part of one event.

Room maintenance and supplies

Library staff will place tables, chairs and equipment in the room. Room set up is done by the group using the room and must be returned to original condition when the meeting is over.

Library staff can provide some level of support and answer questions about how to use the equipment. Patrons are expected to have some level of familiarity with how to use computers and projection equipment.

The library provides cleaning items such as trash bags, cleaning solution and a vacuum. All other supplies (coffee, cups, napkins, flatware, etc.) must be provided by the organization or individuals using the room.

Courtesies to staff and patrons

The patron should allow at least 10 minutes before the library closes for room inspection and check out.

When cancelling a meeting, the patron should contact the library immediately. This is so that other patrons can reserve the room.

Any publicity concerning the event/meeting should include the name of the sponsoring organization and a contact person. Doing so will direct any questions concerning the meeting/event to the organization which is best suited to answer any inquiries that may arise about the meeting/event.

Study rooms

Study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis during regular library hours. Study rooms must be vacated before the library closes.

Reservable study rooms can be reserved for a maximum of two hours. If no one is waiting to use it, the time can be extended.

Online meetings

The District provides a service for online meetings. This can be done through the MyLibrary website or by calling the Virtual Library at 1-888-861-7323. The patron needs to have a High Plains Library District library card, a computer with an Internet connection, a microphone-in and audio-out.


Individuals who do not reside within the High Plains Library District boundaries can reserve and use District meeting rooms. It is necessary that they obtain a High Plains Library District library card.


An adult (age 18 and over) must be present while the meeting room is in use. There is no age restriction on who may reserve a meeting room.

Study rooms are available to all ages. For children (under age 12), a parent must be present in the library.

Fort Lupton Public School and Library

Fort Lupton Public School and Library

For Fort Lupton Public School and Library Meeting Room Policies, please follow this link.